THE SURPRISING HISTORY OF THE "HRmax=220 -age" EQUATION. Robert A. Robergs, Roberto Landwehr. JEPonline. 2002;5(2):1-10. The estimation of maximal heart rate (HRmax) has been a feature of exercise physiology and related applied sciences since the late 1930's. The estimation of HRmax has been largely based on the formula; HRmax=220-age. This equation is often presented in textbooks without explanation or citation to original research. In addition, the formula and related concepts are included in most certification exams within sports medicine, exercise physiology, and fitness. Despite the acceptance of this formula, research spanning more than two decades reveals the large error inherent in the estimation of HRmax (Sxy=7-11 b/min). Ironically, inquiry into the history of this formula reveals that it was not developed from original research, but resulted from observation based on data from approximately 11 references consisting of published research or unpublished scientific compilations. Consequently, the formula HRmax=220 -age has no scientific merit for use in exercise physiology and related fields. A brief review of alternate HRmax prediction formula reveals that the majority of age -based univariate prediction equations also have large prediction errors (>10 b/min). Clearly, more research of HRmax needs to be done using a multivariate model, and equations may need to be developed that are population (fitness, health status, age, exercise mode) specific.
“HRmax=220-age”方程的令人惊讶的历史。罗伯特·A。罗贝格斯,罗伯托·兰德维尔。JEPonline。2002;5(2):1-10。自 20 世纪 30 年代末以来,最大心率(HRmax)的估计一直是运动生理学和相关应用科学的一个特征。HRmax的估计主要基于公式;HRmax=220岁。这个方程经常在教科书中出现,没有解释或引用原始研究。此外,公式和相关概念也包含在大多数运动医学、运动生理学和健身方面的认证考试中。尽管接受了这个公式,但长达二十多年的研究表明,HRmax(Sxy=7-11 b/min)的估计存在固有的巨大误差。具有讽刺意味的是,对该公式历史的探索表明,它不是从原始研究中发展而来,而是基于来自大约11个参考文献的数据的观察结果,这些参考文献包括已发表的研究或未发表的科学汇编。因此,公式HRmax=220-age在运动生理学和相关领域没有科学价值。对备用HRmax预测公式的简要回顾表明,大多数基于年龄的单变量预测方程也存在较大的预测误差(>10 b/min)。显然,需要使用多变量模型对HRmax进行更多研究,可能需要开发特定于人群(健康状况、年龄、锻炼模式)的方程。